0Sunday. 8th April [1894]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 April 1894 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Sunday. 8th April [1894]. I had a good night’s rest & Henry also slept well– Edward came in just before his morng church to see Henry. Mr Herring came in abt 11 & had a long & careful examination the result of which thank God was reassuring greatly. He is of opinion that the tumour is caused by hemorrhaging which he thinks will stop & absorb with rest. He says Henry will have to lie up a long time & had better have a nurse & promised to send for Nurse Watson. She came later to say that she wd be disengaged on Wedy if that would be soon eno’ & would let me know tomorrow for certain. Maria came & sat with me a long time. Blanche also came in & Connie came & lunched with me. Mr Robin Benson came to call—said he was yesterday lunching at Canford & had heard of our arrival. Nela came at 5 & we had tea in my bedroom– Later Maria came again & Ruth & at 6.30 we walked round to 17 Cav. Sqr & Blanche & I went out for a walk together. The day has been oppressively hot more like July than April. We walked till 8 when I ran home to see abt Henry’s dinner & then went off to Cav Sqr to dine coming home directly after. I found Mr Herring sitting with Henry– I am now going to bed with a quieted mind altho’ I shall not be quite reassured until I hear what Sir H. Thompson says when he comes.

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