0Friday. 13th [April 1894]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 April 1894 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Friday. 13th [April 1894]. Wrote all my letters in bed & did not rise till late. Sir H. Thompson called but finding I was not up went away– Nela came to fetch me & we walked to Truefits in Bond St where I had my hair washed & we got home just in time for lunch. Maria came to see me at 3 so I persuaded her to go round with me to see & consult Mr Herring about her knee which is very weak. He advised rest & a bandage– I went to tea with Lady Thompson & made acquaintance with her daughter Nellie’s fiancé Revd de Candola. Sir Henry Thompson came in to tea & surprised me by saying—we must get Sir Henry Layard soon out of bed & I want him to come & dine at one of my octaves on 2nd May. This cheered me immensely. I went to see Mama & told her abt Maria’s knee & she at once began to set abt how to get a carriage for her. Came home & told the good news to Henry of Sir H. Thompson’s good opinion of him. Found Nela with him & I dressed & walked with her to dine at Park Crescent. Louis Du Cane brought me home directly after dinner.

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