0Wednesday. 9th May [1894]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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9 May 1894 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Wednesday. 9th May [1894]. Woke feeling very CD & breakfasted in bed but got up by about 11. Francie Guest & Miss Green came to see me– Hallam Murray came to lunch & brought with him Mr Ernest George the architect who came to talk to me about the interior of the Venice church & showed me 2 plans he had made wh seemed to me very good. He promised to work out proper sketches of the same. Miss Hogarth also came to luncheon & afterwards sat with Henry. Kate & Nela went out driving. I was not feeling well eno’ to go out. Sir Fred Burton came to see Henry. Lady Gregory also came to lunch & went to sit with him. Mr Mitchell Henry called also & sat with him. Lord Stanmore & Miss Gordon called & Mrs Childers. Kate & Nela returned to tea. Adeline Duchess of Bedford came to see us & sat some time with Henry. It was the first time she & I had met since she became a widow. She was very sad & spoke very feelingly & told me that his death had hung over her 7 years—during which time she knew he had a heart desease—& how hard it had been to go about smiling as usual & hiding her anxiety. She is looking very sweet & pretty & was very sympathetic & affectionate. Mr Herring came just abt 7 & was satisfied with Henry’s state. Kate, Nela, Nurse Watson & I dined together & we went early to bed.

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