0Wednesday. 23rd May [1894]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 May 1894 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Wednesday. 23rd May [1894]. Awoke better. Got up after breakfast. Roberts a little better. Wrote letters for Henry. Practised guitar. I went out driving at 4, picked up Lady Gregory in Gros. Sqr & went to 419 Strand to engage a commissionaire to come & help while Roberts is ill– One is to come tomorrow at £1 a week. I went to Blanche & settled that Nela & I should dine with Mama this eveng. Left Augusta in Pont St & returned home at 4.30. Nela had stayed with Henry. Nurse Watson had gone to see her dying sister & came back very low. I arranged she should go back to her for the night. Mr Rate, Nety Montague & Connie Eliot came to tea. Nela & I went to dine with Mama & came back directly after & I sent Nurse off to her sister. Practised guitar will bed time. Roberts’ illness declared to be influenze & pleurisy. I went down the last thing to speak to his nurse at her window & hear the last bulletin which was pretty good.

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