0Wednesday. 30th May [1894]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 May 1894 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Wednesday. 30th May [1894]. Up to 9 o’cl breakfast. Received a hamper of flowers from Inwood & Nela & I put them up. Nela’s birthday & Henry gave her a little clock. I wrote a letter for Henry. Wrote my own letters. Miss Hogarth came to luncheon—& also Mrs Arthur Hanson & her daughter Edith Css Bordari. Mrs Arthur was looking ill & is suffering from a tumour which however they give her hopes will disperse of itself. She is also now quite deaf & one has to write everything one wishes to say to her– Henry saw she & she was delighted to see him & said as she was going away she had so wanted to have kissed him so I took her back & made her do so. At 3 Nela drove out with Miss Hogarth. Nurse having gone out abt her mourning I did not like to leave Henry so I remained at home with him & practised the guitar while he slept. At 4.30 Nela came home & we had tea– Her mother & sisters & “Dor” Smith Hallam’s cousin came also to tea & then at 6 Maria & I went for a drive. Mr Herring came to see Henry & Dr Anderson to see Roberts & I saw the latter about arranging abt sending R. to Eastbourne to the Convalescent Home in a fortnight’s time. We drove to Cawthorns to change the library books & on to Rigals where I fetched Nela’s dress & my train for tomorrow. Went on to see Connie. She was at home & had Mr Otto Goldschmidt with her– Came home & (went to see Blanche) dressed & went to dine at 30 Portland Place with Lord Selborne & Sophy Palmer. Met the Bishop of Southwell & Lady Laura, a Mr Wallop—Miss Talbot—a fine handsome girl & Mrs                daughter of Robert Murray. Home at 10.30. Nela dined at “the Park” (25 Pk Crescent).

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