0Friday. 1st June [1894]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 June 1894 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Friday. 1st June [1894]. Had a headache & did not get up till dinner time. Signor & Mrs Watts called in the afternoon & came up & sat with me & had tea with me. Madeleine & Audrey Trevelyan also came to see us. Maria came & dined with Nela to sit with Henry. I went to Wilton St to fetch Lina Duff Gordon & we dined at the Rates. Met Mrs Tom Bruce, Lord Stanmore & his daughter Nevil, Mr & Mrs Grant—Sir Charles Ewan Smith & Mr Fred: Leveson Gower. The latter took me down to dinner & I sat between him & Mr Rate. I took Lina to Mme du Quaire & got home a little after 11 & found Henry was in bed asleep.

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