0Tuesday. 5th June [1894]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 June 1894 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Tuesday. 5th June [1894]. A warm day & rather fine. Up to breakfast– Took leave of Roberts’ nurse who left him today so that now he is under the care of Bertha. I painted in the spare room till 11.30 when Henry was brought downstairs into his library. He rested there in his chair until 12 when he walked to the front door & got into the carriage & with Nurse & me he went for an hour’s drive. We went down Wigmore St by the Marble Arch into the Park—drove down by Rotten Row. The rhododendrons were in full flower—& looked lovely. We went down as far as the Albert Memorial & then back along the Serpentine & home the same way we came getting home at 1. Henry was carried up into the drawing room where he remained the rest of the day. I went round to Cav. Sqr to tell Blanche & Mama of his having been out. On my return I found Lord Carlisle sitting with him. Lady Gregory came to lunch & Nurse also lunched with us. Sat in the Pav. for coffee. At 3 Augusta went home– Mrs B. Moore came to the door with a ticket for Nela for a Swedish concert at the Queen’s Hall. I took her there & then went off to fetch Maria & we drove together. Called on old Mrs Sneyd & found her at home. Left a good many cards. Called on Mrs Somes who was at home. Home to tea at 5 & Maria stayed to tea. Recd a large basket of flowers from Inwood—which took a long time arranging. Henry seems the better for his drive—eat a better dinner & was more lively. Nurse dined with me & Nela & I played Patience till Henry went to bed at ¼ to 10 & we all went up. Commissioner Chipps leaves tonight & Brock arrived to do butler for the rest of the season–

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