0Sunday. 10th June [1894]—1 Queen Anne Street
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10 June 1894 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Sunday. 10th June [1894]. Henry still in pain in his chest & his temp. is little up still so we sent for Mr Herring who came after lunch & said he was suffering from liver & said he had better get up & he did so at 3. Nurse went to church in the morng & I remained with Henry. Maria & Richard came in before lunch & Richard went up to see Henry. Rd talked of the Sutherland Hill case. He being solicitor to the Dow. Dss knew all abt it & tho’ glad a compromise had been come to is very much disgusted with all the parties concerned on both sides. He attributes a great part of the ill will to the influence of the D. of Weste as the D. of Sutherland consults him & being fond of going to law Weste advised him to dispute the will. I had a long visit from Sir Alfred & Lady Vandison of Consple. Sir Alfred is 1st interpreter. He was looking aged. His wife has the remains of good looks. She was very much at her ease but spoke French not English & called me “chere Lady Layard” tho’ it is the first time she saw me. I gave them tea. Charles Eliot also called, & the Mr & Mrs Henry White of Australia & Mr Herbert Thompson. Henry was suffering & depressed. Lina Duff Gordon came abt 6 & stayed to dinner also Lady Gregory & my mother. Henry went to bed at ¼ to 9 & was rather better.

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