0Saturday. 23rd June [1894]—1 Queen Anne Street
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23 June 1894 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Saturday. 23rd June [1894]. I got up to 9 o’cl breakfast. Found Henry had had a good night & seemed brighter. Mr Herring was satisfied when he came at 9. He told me Sir Rd Quain was coming at 10. He arrived abt 10 minutes before Mr Herring & Sir Henry Thompson & I sat & talked to him in the library & told him all abt Henry’s illness– After he had seen Henry & they had had the consultation I was called in & he told me that it was a very anxious case on acct of the complications but he saw no reason why he should not get better. That he was astonished at Henry’s wonderful spirits & he had asked him Sir Richard if he cd patch him up for a bit longer. In fact as Mr Herring had told me Quain threw no new light on the case—but was very kind, gentle & sympathetic, took his 3 guineas & departed– I then went off for a walk with Eda leaving Nela & Ola to see after things for I felt I must get a little rest– Looked in on Blanche & told her the verdict & we walked on to the Rates to leave word. They were out so we walked on to Berkeley Square to see Mr Clark. He was at home & glad to see us & to hear of Henry—he told us he was not very well today as he had gone to a party last night at Lord Butes’. As he is 85 this is not surprising. Henry eat a good lunch at 1, but the fever took him again & he had a very restless afternoon & a good deal of cough. Lord Aberdare came, Hatzfeldt & Mitchell Henry. Georgie de Perpigna came just as I was going out driving with Nela & Eda at 4.30 so we took her & left her at Lady Sligo’s. Just drove to Half Moon St to leave a message for my brother Arthur & then came home to tea. Mr Rate came to see Henry whose fever was rather strong today & he seemed to be suffering. Lady Gregory came & stayed to dinner– Henry’s cough very bad in the evening. Augusta read me the prayers for the sick before she went home & I went to bed–

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