0Tuesday. 7th August [1894]—Devonshire House, Weymouth
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 August 1894 — Devonshire House, Weymouth
Tuesday. 7th August [1894]. Breakfast 8. Post in 9.30. Emilia & I went out at 10. Got ferried across to the North Parade. The old sailor who rowed us asked after our friend Mr Montague Guest & said he had had charge of his little yatcht here last summer & declared he knew that I was his sister owing to my likeness to him. We climbed about the hill & sat on the grass looking towards Portland & then came back again home by the inner harbour & I wrote letters till lunch at 1. At 3 we took an hour’s drive in a little open carriage by Radipole. After tea at 4.30 I read aloud to Emilia some of Taine’s essays & then wrote more letters till dinner at 7.30. Read from Henry’s Memoirs to Emilia till 10– Went to bed.

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