0Monday. 10th September [1894]—Devonshire House, Weymouth
BaylorBrowning Guide

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10 September 1894 — Devonshire House, Weymouth
Monday. 10th September [1894]. I left Weymouth today for good. Breakfasted at 8 & then Maria, Nela & I walked to the station & left by the 10.10 train & went to Bournemouth. The servants went straight to Q. Anne Street. We reached B’mouth at 12. I sat & talked with Mama till lunch at 1 & again afterwards till 3.15 when she took her drive & Maria, little Betty Murray & I accompanied her. We drove to B’mouth West station & I left by 3.50 train for London & got home abt 7. I dined in bed. The Riaños are staying here but were gone out to dinner & came in at 10 & Emilia sat a little while talking to me.

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