0Friday. 21st [September 1894]—Bâle
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 September 1894 — Bâle
Friday. 21st [September 1894]. We arrived at Bale abt 6– Got some breakfast & took the train for Milan. Ola & I went on by 1st train & the servants followed by one which starts 20 min. later & takes both 1st & 2nd class. We had only our hand bags with us & no trouble at Chiasso. It was unutterably sad to me passing Lugano & the well known places Henry & I had passed thro’ on our way to England in April when we felt we were seeing them together for the last time—& my return to his beloved Italy alone– But there were 2 men travelling in our carriage & I manated to controul myself till I got to Milan & arrived at the Hotel Cavour. They gave us there the very same rooms on the mezzanine 14 & 15 we had had in April—then I broke down– We had tea in the rooms & when Felicie arrived with the luggage about eight o’cl we having arrived at 6 I went to bed—worn out–

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