0Tuesday. 23rd October [1894]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 October 1894 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 23rd October [1894]. I got up to breakfast. Ola kept her bed all day. I worked in the library; read some of Henry’s MS. Recd the proofs by post of Lord Aberdare’s notice on Henry which is coming out in the abridged edition of the Early Adventures. I do not think it is very cleanly done. It is more a sort of review of the book. After lunch I went out in gondola to the Eden’s garden & picked some flowers with Carry Eden. Several people came there so I went off. Met Mrs Bronson at the gate & got into her gondola to talk to her. She is full of the Browning ménage quarrels. Came home to tea. Css Belmondo came to see me & sat an hour talking. Dined alone. Played Patience.

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