0Thursday. 13th December [1894]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 December 1894 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 13th December [1894]. Wrote in library & had a very disturbed morning. Desideri came to show me his drawings. The owner of the piano hired at the Sailor’s Institute to talk about buying it & I had a letter from Blanche saying Mama is not so well & they have got her a trained nurse & Dr Scott of Bournemouth thinks she had congestion of the liver. Had also a letter from Cornelia saying Elaine will be here on Monday with her brother Henry who is to accompany us to Egypt. After lunch Ola not feeling well had to go to bed. I went out after lunch to Eden’s garden & walked up & down the sacca. It was a lovely day & reminded me of the walks Henry & I used to take there last winter—so short a time ago! I got a few roses & brought them home to Ola. Iduna Belmondo came to tea & also Ersilia Canevaro. I dined alone–

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