0Wednesday. 19th [December 1894]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 December 1894 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 19th [December 1894]. Visit from Mrs Holas in morning. Wrote letter. Very wet day. After lunch Elaine & I went in gondola to the Dyers’ studio to see the pastels he is doing to Exhibition in London. I also showed her the church & then we came home & Ola took out Henry Guest to Cook’s office & he arranged to start for Florence & Rome by tonight’s train & meet us at Brindisi on Sunday. Countess Canevaro came abt 6 & stayed some time with me talking. I feel very downhearted at the approach of the time for the journey to Egypt. Dined at 8. Ola not feeling well went to bed directly after dinner. H. Guest left for Florence at ¼ past 11 & Elaine & I went to bed.

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