0Saturday. 22nd [December 1894]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 December 1894 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 22nd [December 1894]. Finished our packing. Lunched at one & went to the station to leave by 2.15 train for Bologna. Edith Bronson, Olga Montenegro & Admiral Canevaro came to see us off. We started ½ hour late & meanwhile I had time to send home for my fur cloak wh had been forgotten & of which I was very glad as it was very cold on the journey. At Battaglia a thick white fog & hoar frost began which lasted till we reached Bologna. Instead of having 50 minutes to spare there & to dine we had just time to change trains. We had coupé lits for the night journey & dined out of our basket.

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