0Wednesday. 26th [December 1894]—En route to Cairo
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 December 1894 — En route to Cairo
Wednesday. 26th [December 1894]. We found ourselves in smooth water this morning & were able to get up & walk about on deck. Abt 12 we began to see land & the Captain advised us all to land at Port Said instead of Ismailia. We lunched at 1 & directly after found ourselves arrived there– There was a tremendous confusion—a Babel of tongues—natives in boats all shrieking in treble key– One of the passengers a Major Morris helped us by finding an interpreter who got our small luggage into a boat & took us to shore. Hy Guest & he got our things thro’ the custom house & we drove to the railway station & got places in the train for Ismailia. Felicie & Roberts turned up after sometime with the big luggage and strove vainly to get it registered after all their efforts it was left behind—also abt 60 of the passengers with their luggage. We got some tea out of our basket. Arrived at Ismailia abt 7 & did not get off till about 9 & arrived very tired at Cairo abt 1. Then we had a longish drive to the Ghesireh Palace Hotel but were thankful to have got to the end of the journey to get some tea & go to bed. We have a charming apartment lofty rooms & a balcony over the Nile. The house was built by the Ex Khedive to receive his guests at the time of the opening of the Suez Canal. The train from Port Said runs by the side of the Suez Canal & we saw big steamers passing through it.

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