0Thursday. 3rd January [1895]—Cairo
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 January 1895 — Cairo
Thursday. 3rd January [1895]. Tea at 8 & then got up. Worked at Elaine’s silk shirt. H.G. saw the Dr who prescribed for his sprained leg. We all 3 went out in the morning. Elaine & H.G. rode donkeys & I walked by the road over the bridge to try to see Cook’s steamer “Mohammed Ali” about taking places to go up the Nile on 10th. We found the steamer had not yet arrived so we turned back & found the bridge was open to let boats thro’ so we got into a carriage & drove to the Ferry at Boulac & came across the ferry to the hotel & lunched. While sitting out in the verandah having coffee Honble Major E. Bourke came up to speak to us. I had not seen him for some years & found him altered, aged & looking ill. He was very pleasant & talked of “old Canford days,” when we all were young. He introduced me to Lady Charles Beresford who is staying in the hotel—over dressed & rouged & not very nice looking. Elaine & H.G. went off to the town together. I painted from the window till tea & they returned. Elaine & I sewed for the rest of the evening. H.G. dined with us here.

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