0Thursday. 7th February [1895]—Luxor
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 February 1895 — Luxor
Thursday. 7th February [1895]. Elaine & I painted on the terrace, in oils, all the morning. After lunch we went on donkeys to see the races—Camel races, donkey races & buffalo races– Returned for tea– Wrote letters till dinner. Went to Karnak with Miss Gent, Mr (Dodo) Benson & Mr Bevan to see the temple by moonlight. It was a splendid night & on arriving there we found a great many people who had made the same excursion & there was a terrible babel of voices and especially of American twang. We drew apart & sat on some debris in a retired corner of the great hall of columns & waited till they had all ridden off & then we began our tour. It all looks so unreal & solemn in that light tho’ one could distinctly see the reliefs & hieroglyphics. We wandered about for some time & then rode quietly home by eleven oclock.

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