0Friday. 8th February [1895]—Luxor
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 February 1895 — Luxor
Friday. 8th February [1895]. Packed and prepared for the start. The Arab servant dogged ones every step to get backsheesh & were a real pest. Went on board the “Tuvfky” steamer at 12 & started for Cairo. Found the 2 princesses Duleep Sing & their nice Governess Miss Schäfer on board—also the little dwarf clergyman & his mother whom we had named “Charley’s Aunt” from her likeness to the actor in the play of that name. Mrs Mansell & her dwarf clergyman son– A nice Mr Pocock & wife—a lot of indifferent French people &c. We had a cabin together Elaine & I belowstairs.

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