0Monday. 18th [February 1895]—Cairo
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 February 1895 — Cairo
Monday. 18th [February 1895]. The weather was quite detestable. It blew almost a hurricane from the desert. The temp was 88º outside the house & 74º inside. No getting out. Wrote letters. Col. & Lady Victoria Lambton drove over from Cairo to lunch with us & then went back. After tea we went up to Louisa Lady Ashburton’s sitting room to see the Scotch sketches of a young artist Mr McKinnon she had brought out with her. I found out yesterday that she was in the hotel & she sent her niece Miss Arbuthnot to say she would like to see me so I sat with her a long time yesterday eveng. After dinner tonight I also went to sit a while with her. She is much aged & complains of ill health—& I find her greatly changed.

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