0Thursday. 7th March [1895]—Cairo
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 March 1895 — Cairo
Thursday. 7th March [1895]. Breakfasted on the terrace with the Lambtons at 8.15 & at 9 was ready to start for Sakkarah. We had a procession of 3 sandcarts. Col. & Lady Va Lambton in one. Mr Mossop & Miss Lambton in another. Katherine Arbuthnot & me in another—each accompanied by an Arab boy in a white shirt & white cap. We had an Arab called Ramadan on a camel with our lunch. We went along the edge of the desert for 2 hours till we got to the pyramids of Sakkarah—& on to the Tomb of Phti where we descended from our carts. The tomb walls are covered with most interesting & refined sculptures. When we came out we were joined by Elaine, Mr deBarreto & Mr Ralph Lambton who rode out & we went straight to Marietta Bey’s house & unpacked & eat our lunch. Afterwards we went to the tomb of Marah which is also very interesting & where is still in situ the statue of the owner of the tomb with its paint quite fresh. Thence we went to the Serapium which is the most astonishing thing we have seen in Egypt. The enormous black sarcophagi to received the mummies of the sacred bulls in the loft vaults connected by long corridors are most striking. It was very hot in the mausoleum & we were glad when we could return to the open air. We were nearly 3 hours driving back to Mena as our mules were tired & obstinate & we had hard work to urge them on. By dint of beating shouting dragging at the reins we got back at 6.15 rather tired. Learnt the death of Sir Henry Rawlinson & Adl Sir E. Phipps Hornby first victims of influenza.

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