0Monday. 11th March [1895]—Cairo
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 March 1895 — Cairo
Monday. 11th March [1895]. Breakfast in the housetop at 8.30. I went up on foot to the Sphinx to make another sketch of it. Elaine went on a donkey to sketch beyond at the arab burying ground. Roberts carried our bags &c. Returned to Mena House for luncheon. The luggage & servants went off to Ghesireh Palace Hotel after lunch. I sat about & waited for Elaine as we had agreed to drive there at three but as she wanted to play croquet we settled to go at 5. They all returned from croquet at 4.30 & we had tea & started but it was cold & dark before we got to Ghesireh. We dined with Messrs Lambton, Mossop & de Barreto & did word games in the evening. Col., Lady Victoria & Miss Lambton remained at Mena House.

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