0Tuesday. 16th [April 1895]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 April 1895 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 16th [April 1895]. Elaine & I went out from 10 to 12 in gondola with Signor Brugnoli to sketch on the lagunes. After lunch she & Ola went out in sandolo. I remained at home. Had a visit from Mme Villari (the Professor’s wife) & she stayed to tea to the girls came in. Then Olga of Montenegro came & sat till 7 o’cl past. Ola went after dinner to Mme Wiel’s and Elaine & I read aloud to each other & worked. It appears the earthquake of Sunday night was felt at Vienna, Trieste & in Carniola—also in Northern Italy but hardly any damage was done.

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