0Tuesday. 11th June [1895]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 June 1895 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Tuesday. 11th June [1895]. We arrived in London at 6 A.M. & the carriage met us & I went to No 1 Queen Anne St & the Duncannons to their home 17 Cav. Sqr. I went to bed at once. The house seemed more empty & desolate than ever. At 10 had breakfast in bed & Elaine came to see me. At 12 I got up & before I was dressed Lady Gregory came. She stayed to lunch & then drove with me to call on Sir Fred Burton who was not in. I took her back to her rooms at Queen Anne Mansions—went in with her for a little while & then came home to tea. Sir Henry Thompson came to see me. Later my sister Maria came & Ola. I dined alone & Nelly Alderson came in for an hour in the evening.

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