0Wednesday. 14th [August 1895]—Bere Cottage, Bere Regis, Dorset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 August 1895 — Bere Cottage, Bere Regis, Dorset
Wednesday. 14th [August 1895]. We had a girl from the village & painted a head all the morning. Just as the model was going I got a telegram from Monty asking me to come up to town. I had just time to pack a few things get some lunch & start at 2 to drive in to Wareham & caught at 3 o’cl train. Got to Queen Anne St (No 1) a little after 7. Expected to find Merthyr, Theo & Augusta Guest there—but found no one. Sent to Louis Du Cane & he came for an hour in the evening & we talked over the letting of this house.

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