0Monday. 9th September [1895]—Milton Court, nr. Dorking, Surrey
BaylorBrowning Guide

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9 September 1895 — Milton Court, nr. Dorking, Surrey
Monday. 9th September [1895]. Alice had the old poney put in the carriage & we went by the fields to Springfield soon after breakfast & asked the present tenant leave to inspect the house. I like it more & more & was glad to find the rooms were all a reasonable size. We returned thro’ Westcott village & Alice Rate paid calls at several cottages so we were out a good time. Louis, Mr Freer & Lachie Rate left & returned to town to their work. Mrs Ames with her very tall daughter came over to tea—also Lord & Lady Farrer & a Col. & Mrs                Jones. Revd Reeve rector of Lambeth came to stay a night; a very good clever man. I had a good deal of talk with him. Found him very anti Turk & violently on the side of the Armenians– In fact he & I disagreed about most things—such as the use of incense in Protestant churches—prayer for the dead &c. However we made friends & I can well see what a saintly creature he is. I found he was born in Dorsetshire his father having been Vicar at Wareham. When all her guests were gone at abt 6 P.M. Mrs Rate took him & me for a drive in the Victoria. Mr Reeve being most anxious to see G. MacDonald we went to the Nook a little house they have hired for a short time. They were out so we drove on a little further & returned later & found them just returned from their drive. We went into the little house & MacDonald & Mr Reeve at once sat talking in the gloaming & made great friends. The subject of their talk was Death & MacDonald gave his idea on the subject & spoke of his faith in God & how “all must be right”– It was very touching & the 2 men so thoroughly understood each other & parted firm friends– Their minds seemed to recognise each other in these few moments. Mrs Rate kept little old Mrs M. in talk & I sat in the dark listening to the 2 friends. It was dark when we got back to Milton.

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