0Wednesday. 11th September [1895]—Milton Court, nr. Dorking, Surrey
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 September 1895 — Milton Court, nr. Dorking, Surrey
Wednesday. 11th September [1895]. We left Milton. I walked part of the way to Dorking Station with Mr Rate. Mrs R. & Enid picked us up in the carriage. Mrs R. & Enid came to 1 Q. Anne Street & lunched with me & then Enid went off shopping & I & Alice walked to 3 Savile Row to see how the painting was getting on. We went to Bumpus’s shop & bought some books & then I took her back to Queen Anne St and we sat in my bedroom—she resting on the sofa. We had tea there & sat & talked. At 7 Enid returned & Aubrey with her & we dined. Mr Rate came while we were at dinner & took them to the station & saw them off by 8.30 train for Scotland. I went to bed.

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