0Friday. 27th [September 1895]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 September 1895 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Friday. 27th [September 1895]. Worked at the books all morng & directly after lunch went to Charing X & took a train to Dorking. Mrs Rate’s carriage met us at the station (Lady Gregory, Bertha & I) & took us to Milton. The Rates being away Mrs Hoare received us—but did not stay but went on to Springfield Farm in the carriage to inspect the house & see how much furniture it would require. It was a lovely day & the country looked beautiful. We found the outgoing tenant’s family packing & the house looked terrible with the debris of their accumulations of years spread about. The lady housekeeper was rather aghast at our sudden appearance & seemed to think we wished to take immediate possession. We reassured her & left her & returned to Milton & sat out in the garden & had tea. Left for the station just before 6– Found the coachman had mistaken the time of the train’s departure & we had to wait more than an hour & only got back to town after 9 o’cl. Weary & hungry. The train was a slow one & as we had gone down 3rd class the carriage was full & there was a continual coming & going.

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