0Friday. 25th October [1895]—Milton Court, nr. Dorking, Surrey
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 October 1895 — Milton Court, nr. Dorking, Surrey
Friday. 25th October [1895]. I walked up to Springfield Farm with Mr & Mrs Rate & Eda– We found the house still open & the last remnants of the last tenants being cleaned out. Eda was pleased with the house. The leaves are still on all the trees & on the creepers on the house & the day was bright & fine so it did not look so bad. There had been a frost in the night & the green leaves were in some places fallen off in heaps on the ground. The effect was very curious. In the afternoon I dressed ready to walk again with Mr Rate but he was busy at his farm & came in too late– So after tea I took a turn in the garden with the Bruces while Mrs Rate took Eda, Lina & Enid to see some tableaux at a Mrs Beaumonts’. They came back rather late for dinner. Enid sang.

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