0Saturday. 26th [October 1895]—Milton Court, nr. Dorking, Surrey
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 October 1895 — Milton Court, nr. Dorking, Surrey
Saturday. 26th [October 1895]. Mr & Mrs Bruce left for Bournemouth with their children & then Alice Rate & I walked with Eda to Springfield & took with us an old man called Lucas to explain what alterations I wanted to have made in the garden & to get an estimate. There were 14 degrees of frost last night & it was very foggy & cold today. We came back for lunch to which Mrs Fuller the wife of the late owner of the Rookery & all the farms of which Springfield was one—belonged– When she left about 4 I went for a walk with Mr Rate to Westcott & we called on Mrs Lawes the wife of his old coachman & came back to tea at 5. Mr Blundell & Mr Harrington & Lord Stanmore arrived abt 5 to stay over Sunday. After tea Eda & I sat & chatted in my room till dinner time. After dinner Enid Rate sang. She has a very pretty voice & is well trained & sings well.

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