0Sunday. 27th [October 1895]—Milton Court, nr. Dorking, Surrey
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 October 1895 — Milton Court, nr. Dorking, Surrey
Sunday. 27th [October 1895]. We all walked to Westcott church to 11 o’cl service except Lord Stanmore who stayed at home & Lina & Mr Blundell who went to the R.C. Church at Dorking. It was very cold & there had been a hard frost in the night. After church Alice Rate & I walked to Spring(field) Farm—& talked over the garden & the shrubs is to be planted & then walked back to Milton by the fields. Directly after lunch I had their little poney carriage & Eda drove me over to Fredley to call on Mrs Kay & Miss Drummond as I wanted to tell them about my having taken Spring Farm and after a short visit we drove back to Milton by tea time. We had dinner supper at 8. Enid Rate sang afterwards till at 10 we went to bed. I had a pleasant little chat with Lord Stanmore & he was very friendly & kind.

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