0Tuesday. 19th [November 1895]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 November 1895 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 19th [November 1895]. Did accounts at 11. Blanche & Onie came and carried me off in their carriage to 17 Cavendish Sqr to have a confab over the Irish work & I only just got home for luncheon to which Lady Gregory came. After lunch we went in a hansom off to the Borough to visit the Board schools which Lady G. knew. The head mistress Mrs Hill received us very kindly & took us round the different classrooms putting the children thro’ their singing, Scripture lessons, work classes, domestic economy &c so that one wondered how these children of some of the poorest people in London could know so much! We left soon after 4 & took a hansom back to the West end. Went to try & see Addie Bedford but she was out & then we returned to Savile Row to tea after which Augusta returned to her abode. I began a piece of work for Blanche’s Irish girls which employed my evening till bed time.

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