0Tuesday. 14th April [1896]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 April 1896 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 14th April [1896]. At last calm is restored to the town & the firing of guns has ceased– After lunch I went to see Css Pisani. There I met the Poet Laureate & Mrs Austin & Mme Wiel all calling also. The Countess had written some time ago to Mr Austin praising his poems & now he took the occasion of being here to call & make her acquaintance. I went home to tea Hilda Montalba came—later Olga Montenegro & then Iduna Bel: the latter very happy because yesterday at the station the P. of Naples had spoken only to her of all the ladies. After dinner I went out in gondola to call on Css Pisani so I returned home & fetched Eda & we went for a short row as it was a lovely night.

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