0Wednesday. 3rd [June 1896]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 June 1896 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 3rd [June 1896]. Count Seckendorff accompanied me to Passini’s studio & after making remarks & giving advice on the studio he left me there & went off for the whole day on his own affairs. In the afternoon I had a visit from Dss della Grazia & her 3 girls who are leaving Venice tomorrow– Then came Css Vera Brazza & Iduna & Passini with Count Pasutti Austrian Ambassador at Rome to see the pictures– He is of Italian origin born at Venice but now an Austrian– Very Italian to look at—dark, thin & clever looking. When all these were gone came Mrs Hulton & Mme Villari but at last after 6 o’cl they went & we went out for a row & took Css Brazza & Iduna with us. Left Augusta at the Piazza to walk home. Clara Montalba dined with us—& Ct Seckendorff showed her his paintings & when her sister Hilda came to call for her she came also & had a look at the drawings.

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