0Monday. 15th [June 1896]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 June 1896 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 15th [June 1896]. Very hot—scirocco. Had to shut up all the house. Painted fan– After lunch we sat in the green boudoir & read aloud to each other. Had a visit from Mr Horatio Brown then came Css Canevaro then her sister Maria Cozzi—then Passini & lastly Mr Montalba. We all had tea & then Augusta & I went out in gondola to the Eden’s garden & took a little walk & got some flowers & talked to the Edens & I helped Carry to cut off dead roses & then we came home to dinner & again afterwards we went out for a row to the station & round by the Giudecca & and grand canal home & to bed—a hot night.

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