0Saturday. 4th [July 1896]—Villa Mier, Belluno
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 July 1896 — Villa Mier, Belluno
Saturday. 4th [July 1896]. I arranged the rooms—put up flowers & then got all my writing things together & set to work to continue copying out Cortelazzo’s memoirs which I had not touched for several years & I worked at it all day only stopping for lunch at 1.30. At 5 I had tea & then went out for a short walk to explore round the villa. There are charming grassy walks & hornbeam hedges & the peasants were cutting the grass so that I might walk dryfooted. This morning was market day at Belluno & Bertha went off early to market & came back with live chickens and pigeons. I began to read Lord Selbornes Autobiography edited by Sophy Palmer– Cloudy weather.

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