0Sunday. 27th [September 1896]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 September 1896 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 27th [September 1896]. We all went to morning service. After lunch I & the 2 Gordons went to the Britannia taking Ct Belmondo with us. He had ordered the steam launch to meet us there at 3 & we went in it with the whole Saxe Meiningen party for a “gita” to the Lido to the Fort beyond Malamocco—landed & took a walk on the shore. I took the tea with me & we had that meal in the launch on our way back to Venice. It was a lovely day & a beautiful sunset. On the Lido I walked with Pss Charlotte & had a long talk. I was glad to find she likes Count Seckendorff & said he was the best friend she had in the world. She also spoke very nicely of her mother– She regretted that the Emperor Augusta was not pleasant to any of them & in fact made mischief between the Emperor & his family.

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