0Tuesday. 6th [October 1896]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 October 1896 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 6th [October 1896]. I received a note from Sophy Palmer with some letters she wanted typed. I did it & sent it off to her. The Hansons & George Gordon went to Padua for the day starting by 11.35 train & were back to tea by 5.30. Lord & Lady Esher came to call having just arrived in Venice. Very glad to see them again—find him a good deal aged. Both kind & pleasant as usual– After lunch (to wh Aspasie came up) Nevil, she & I went for a row to the Edens garden & we took a little walk there. Carry Eden was there but we did not stay long on acct of Aspasie. She dined with us upstairs & was a little less sad.

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