0Wednesday. 14th [October 1896]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 October 1896 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 14th [October 1896]. Wet morning—but cleared for a short time after lunch so I took Aspasie to her house & deposited her there—& she poor thing, now begins her solitary life. I went to call on Bss Haan & found her at home—very amiable but with a trying loud voice. I went on to the Piazza & met the Gordons there & brought them home. The rain just began again. We had a quiet tea & George read aloud to us Lord Rosebery’s speech on foreign affairs in Armenia & the Eastern question & his renunciation of the leadership of the liberal party. Baron Krauss the Austrian Consul Genl came to call—& told us much abt Russia & the bad state of things there—how the governt was as bad as that of the Turks.

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