0Tuesday. 27th [October 1896]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 October 1896 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 27th [October 1896]. Packed &c The Gordons went out to take a farewell look round & they left by 2.5 train for Milan. I went to lunch at 1 with the Curtis to meet the Curzons. She is a very pretty woman—very dark hair & eyes & white complexion—a rich American. She has no accent & seemed very well bred. When I left the Curtis I called on Mme Noce & her sister—& then went again to see the General who is still in bed—but very cheery & patient & pleasant. Home to tea & Lady Alice Jolliffe came & no one else & we had a nice little talk. I lent her some books– She was interested and intelligent. Afterwards I had a long visit from Mr Montalba who told me a lot of small gossip—not interesting to record–

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