0Thursday. 21st [January 1897]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 January 1897 — 3 Savile Row
Thursday. 21st [January 1897]. The sub-Dean of the Chapel Royal came to lunch & also my sister Constance. Sophy was at lunch but left at 2 o’cl to go down to Southampton to address a meeting. The sub-dean was very kind & promised to give me a permanent place at the Chapel Royal. At 3 Connie & I drove out. We went to see Maria & I went on to Dickson in Albany St to order the copies of the photo: of Passini’s picture of me. I then returned for Connie & Maria came with me. I left Connie in Q. Anne St on her way to call on Alice & then took & left Maria at Wimborne House & so to my home. At 5.30 Eda & I drove to Clerkenwell Schools to attend a meeting of a society for looking after domestic servant girls. I distributed the prizes. The girls first had tea—& looked very nice in their white caps & aprons. I explained that I could not make them a speech so a (Mrs) Dr Boyd was asked to do so & made a most inappropriate one– Scolding the girls for gossipping & not washing their teeth! She was the type of the uppish superior woman of the day– We got home abt 8, dined & went early to bed.

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