0Friday. 5th [February 1897]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 February 1897 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 5th [February 1897]. I painted fan in morning. Pouring wet day & could not go out. Mrs Chamberlain came to tea & was very amusing & looked very pretty & delightful. After tea I went in a hansom to Half Moon St to see Mrs Arthur Hanson whom I found looking much better– I walked home—in a drizzling rain. It was very muggy & warm. I dined with Lord Egerton of Tatton & the Dss of Buckingham in St James’ Sqr. Met Col Legge, Lady Kintore & daughter, Mr & Mrs Parker, Col. Sullivan MP, Sir Graham Montgomery (Dss’s father). It was rather dull– They were all intimate except me—so I was rather out of it & had only Ld Egerton to talk to all the evening. Sat talking to Sophy who was in bed when I came in for some time.

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