0Tuesday. 27th [April 1897]—Bessborough, Fiddown, County Kilkenny
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 April 1897 — Bessborough, Fiddown, County Kilkenny
Tuesday. 27th [April 1897]. At breakfast I was telling the young people about our “living portraits” that we used to do in the old happy times at Ca’ Capello. They jumped at the idea & wished to try to do some as a surprise for their mother & father on their return here. No soon said than they all rose up fm table & carried me off to look for a picture frame that they cd use on the occasion. In an obscure corner of a passage a dusty old painting was speedily unhung taken out of the frame wh was carried in triumph to the schoolroom– The drop curtain was unswathed of its wrappings—the scenery of the stage brought out the frame fixed up & in a couple of hours everything was in readiness & we retired to the drawingroom. I then gave Bertie an Italian lesson & after that played his accompaniments for the flute. After lunch Irène drove me into Carrick to do a little shopping in the pony carriage with Flash the grey poney. After 5 o’cl tea I walked in the kitchen garden with Vere. Dined at 7—& then we gathered together odds & ends of costumes for the “pictures” & tried a few.

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