0Saturday. 22nd May [1897]—Coole Park, Gort, County Galway
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 May 1897 — Coole Park, Gort, County Galway
Saturday. 22nd May [1897]. Typed before breakfast—& finished the copy of portrait. At 12 o’cl we started off in the poney phaeton & Augusta drove me to a shooting box belonging to her nephew Mr A. Persse called Chevy Chase in the hills beyond Gort overlooking Lough Cutra– We took nearly 2 hours getting there for though only 8 miles from Coole the road was nearly all uphill. It was a splendid cloudless day & we had a lovely drive. We get to the domain which is beautifully wooded & was reclaimed from the bare matter mountains by a Persse of the middle of last century. From the heather covered hills we turned into a gate into the thick woods—full of birds, deer & flowers & drove to a space in the midst of it where we found a low one storied thatched bungalow– We put up the poney & then went down into a glen where there was a delightful little trout stream with a rustic bridge over it leading to the other side with a pine wood. We sat down in the shade & rested & then I put together the rod we had brought & I fished—but it was too bright & clear & I got nothing tho’ I saw plenty of fish moving. We lunched in the house & stayed on till nearly seven when we reluctantly left the lovely peaceful spot & returned to Coole by about 9– Had supper & went to bed.

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