0Thursday. 27th [May 1897]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 May 1897 — 3 Savile Row
Thursday. 27th [May 1897]. Breakfast in bed– Busy morning. Hannah Shields the housemaid I had had so long left today to my great regret—but she did not get on with my brother Monty. The 2nd girl also left—& 2 new ones came. I have now no servant left who knew Henry & it seems as if the old order of things was entirely slipping away. It is inevitable. Sophy Palmer came to luncheon. Also my sister Connie. The girls went off to tea with the Guards at the Tower– Blanche took me out driving with her in her Victoria. I went to see my old friend Evie Lady Stanhope. We had not met for some 4 years. It was sad—but we were glad to see each other again. Blanche left me at 25 Park Crescent to have tea with Maria. From there I went to see Mrs Rate. Her daughter Enid my godchild is to be married next Tuesday. Went home, sent the Alderson girls off to the Opera & went to dine with the Du Canes at Park Crescent. Found Maria well but very feeble.

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