0Thursday. 24th June [1897]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 June 1897 — 3 Savile Row
Thursday. 24th June [1897]. Walked up to Cav. Square to see Blanche & from thence to Park Crescent to see Maria. (Blossett) Lady Alderson came to lunch & brought her son with her, a young man just gone to college. At 3.30 I went off to Gray’s Inn in a hansom to find Louis Du Cane & to go with him before a notary to sign a power of Attorney to send to Venice. From there I went to the Tower of London to tea with Mr E. Wyld who is now quartered there—& where I rejoined Kate & her girls Nelly & Mary. I brought Kate back in a hansom. The girls remained & went to dine at our late cook Bertha’s eating house near the Tower & Mary only returned home at 10.

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