0Monday. 19th [July 1897]—Bere Cottage, Bere Regis, Dorset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 July 1897 — Bere Cottage, Bere Regis, Dorset
Monday. 19th [July 1897]. Edgar went out fishing at 5 this morning hooked & lost fish & came back to breakfast empty handed. Today the weather changed & after many weeks dry there was some rain which is now wanted by the farmers. The hay is almost all in—& the ground is very dry. We sat talking all day in the drawing room only going out now & then between the showers to pick some flowers. We expected Mr Mansel Pleydell to tea but he was evidently kept away by the rain. At 6 we drove in the poney carriage to Chamberlains bridge but did not see a fish moving—it had grown misty & heavy & hot so we came home to supper & besique.

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