0Tuesday. 20th [July 1897]—Bere Cottage, Bere Regis, Dorset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 July 1897 — Bere Cottage, Bere Regis, Dorset
Tuesday. 20th [July 1897]. Edgar & I went out to Cobb’s hatch at 11 & fished till 1. I caught no fish—he hooked & lost. At 3 we set off in the “van” to drive by Hythe House to call on Mrs Ratcliffe & found a tennis party going on. There were a good many young people & only one elderly lady a Mrs Filer. The old house was burnt down in ’86 & the present one is small low & ugly outside. It is prettily placed close to the River Piddle which being dammed up there has been made into a broad pond– We sat outside the house on the gravel drive & had tea & as soon as that ceremony was over I made an excuse to leave & we went home. We at once put on our fishing garments– Battrick harnessed the poney & drove us to the Warren where Arthur’s fishing begins– We got nothing & some men who were cutting grass said there were too many pike there for us to get fish. So we left—drove to Cham: Bridge– Tried there & saw nothing– Came back to Cobbs to see if there was anything there– There the fish were rising & would not take so we came home to supper– Besique & bed.

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