0Tuesday. 7th [September 1897]—Salce, Belluno
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 September 1897 — Salce, Belluno
Tuesday. 7th [September 1897]. Weather quite chilly today & rather windy. Painted very little. After tea walked with Carry to the Villa Cugnach to call on the Miari family. It was a good climb up. The villa stands beautifully looking up & down the valley. Found the whole family with various relatives sitting in solemn circle in the sitting room. Count Luigi Miari was there—whose villa we went to last week. The 2 brothers took me for a walk to see the views while Carry talked to the ladies. We got back to Salce abt 7. Lovely moonlit night & after dinner we sat out under the portico.

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